
Prayer/Reflection: Orlando City Council

JimCoffin(At the Orlando City Hall, December 9, 2013)

I invite you to join me in a moment of reflection.

We are gathered here today because humans everywhere recognize that many aspects of a community are best addressed collectively. That’s what government is all about. That’s why the Orlando City Council exists.

But good government doesn’t just happen. It takes effort. It requires the commitment of its leaders to fairness, to justice, to equality and to a long list of other crucial social and moral values.

Good government requires civil dialogue and consultation–leader with leader, citizen with citizen and leader with citizen. It requires a willingness to speak forthrightly, and an even greater willingness to listen.

The issues you as a council address are complex. The challenges you face are daunting. The requirements of time and energy are great. But the potential to improve the quality of life for all in this community makes it worthwhile.

May this be foremost in your minds–not only in today’s deliberations, but every day–as you each seek to live a life of service.

James Coffin is executive director of the Interfaith Council of Central Florida.