Published Statements

On occasion, though not often, the Interfaith Council of Central Florida has released a statement on a topic of social-spiritual concern. Following is an index, which provides the title, the date, the media outlet in which the statement ran and the first few lines. You can read the entire statement by following the link. 


Interfaith Council: Support for Emanuel AME Church 

(Email to Emanuel AME Church, Charleston, South Carolina, June 24, 2015)

To Our Brothers and Sisters at Emanuel AME Church:

Over the past few days, we have read newspaper articles, listened to radio reports and viewed television footage highlighting the wanton slayings that have so devastated your congregation, the Charleston community, our nation and our world. READ MORE . . .


Interfaith Council: Darfur is everyone’s responsibility

(Orlando Sentinel, September 28, 2007)

All the great religions of the world advocate peace. Peace is a goal toward which all should aspire. And it’s the prime characteristic of the perfect environment, whether we label it utopia, paradise, nirvana or heaven. READ MORE . . .


Interfaith Council: Seek alternatives to war

(Orlando Sentinel, August 03, 2006)

Despite a rapid increase in knowledge and astounding advances in technology, humans are already engaged in or teeter on the brink of all-out war in various regions throughout the world. Taking or threatening human life and destruction of property are used routinely as a means to achieve the goals of nations and other groups. READ MORE . . .