Harvard University’s Pluralism Project has for more than twenty years been systematically collecting and collating information and resources about various faith traditions. Whether you’re seeking a quick overview, an in-depth analysis or a varied collection of items about Hinduism, this is a good place to start. http://pluralism.org/resources/tradition/index.php?trad=5
Hindu Wisdom. This information-packed website not only provides extensive insights into the philosophy and practice of Hinduism, it also provides an array of examples of how Hindu thought has influenced Western culture. It’s a one-stop-shopping-place for all things Hindu. http://www.hinduwisdom.info/contents.htm
BBC on Hinduism. The BBC religion website has an excellent, simple, compact, easy-to-read overview of Hinduism. After looking at the religion “at a glance,” you can peruse succinct material about concepts; deities; beliefs; ethics; history; holy days; rites, rituals; texts; worship. http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/hinduism/
The Patheos Religious Library provides a well-organized, well-presented, comprehensive overview of various faith traditions and the subsections within the faith traditions. For a good introduction to Hinduism’s origins, history, beliefs rituals and worship, and ethics and community, check out http://www.patheos.com/Library/Hinduism.html.
The Harmony Project website contains a section called “Sacred Paths,” which examines some fourteen faith traditions. The presentation of each faith includes an overview essay, written by someone familiar with that faith tradition but not necessarily an adherent. It also includes interviews with adherents, who talk candidly about their faith journey. There also are recommended books for further study. For Hinduism, go to http://www.theharmonyproject.org/hinduism.html.
Hindu Currents (http://www.hinducurrents.com), a service of the Hindu American Foundation (http://www.hafsite.org), seeks to provide Hindu news and Hindu views from around the world. Subjects addressed include human rights, church-state separation, proselytization, interfaith interaction and cooperation and terrorism. The Hindu Currents website is connected to the website of the Hindu American Foundation itself, which has as its tag line, “Promoting Understanding, Tolerance and Pluralism.” Both websites provide a wealth of material for the person who’s seeking well-researched and well-presented material that comes from a unique perspective that doesn’t get much attention in the United States because “bigger players” tend to dominate the discussion.